Omar Faruk shakil
2 min readMay 10, 2021

Basic Interview Question:
1. Say Something about yourself?
Answer: Well, I’d glad to say about myself. I‘m a current Master’s student of Computer Science and Engineering at Jahangirnagar University. I have complete my B.Sc. Engineering in Information and Communication Engineering from Noakhali Science and Technology University in 2019.

From last 8–9 months I am seriously working on web Development specially Front-End Development. And now I am comfortable with making a professional full-stack website. I am well at JavaScript, React JS, Node JS, MongoDB, and Express(CRUD).

As a Computer Science background student, I am well known about different programming languages like C, C++, JavaScript, Java, and Python. When I have free time I like to problems solving or learning something about new technologies.

And Besides study, I am like to play outdoor games and Travelling with friends even gossiping with them.

2. Say something about your Best project?
Answer: Last few months I have completed some projects. I think ‘Vaccine At Home Service’ is the best one of them according to our current pandemic situation.
This web app has some features like as :
->Dynamic User Interface and handling server-side data for displaying.
->User Authentication via Firebase
->Managing Admin panel
->Showing user dynamic review section
-> Managing user service state

Actually, I a not an expert in admin management so that it big challenge for me at that time and I spent 2 days learning that completely.
But at now I have a responsive knowledge about these.

3. Why should we Hire You?
Answer: Honestly, I possess all the skills and experience that you looking for. I am pretty confident that I am The Best candidate for this job role.

It’s not just my background of qualification or my past project experience but also my skill and tendency to exploring myself to be an asset to your company that will be applicable in this position.

And, I am interested in learning new technologies and get challenges. If you give me the opportunity I will do my best.

4. What is your salary Expectation?
I’m very interested in the position, so I am not worried about salary at now because I'm just searching for an opportunity to explore myself.
Without analyzing of company’s norms, Maybe I would expect to receive something in the range of 25k to 35k.

5. Do You Have any Questions?
Answer: Yes. Not any! I have many to know more but most of them should ask future after my join.
At now, Please say…
a) Can you elaborate on the day-to-day responsibilities this job entails?
b) If I were in this job, How would my performance measure?
c) Which/What encourage you to arrive at the office every day?
d) What are the next steps of the hiring process?
e) What is the long-term goal of your company?

Omar Faruk shakil

JavaScript Developer | Front End development Expert | Writer | Dreamer & Curious Learner